
Q: What does a creative consultant do?
A: From years of personal experience as an editor and writer, I know what works and what doesn't. As your creative consultant, I provide clear and detailed criticism of character, narrative arc, plot, dialogue and other elements of the formula to successful writing in today's market. I am professional and responsive. I especially love to work with beginning writers and writers struggling through a creative block. 

Q: Why hire a creative consultant?
A: Even the most seasoned writers are blind to their own work while they are still crafting it. To publish successfully, especially outside the realm of nonfiction, a manuscript needs to be taunt, engaging, well-written and nuanced. More often than not, a writer needs an experienced and qualified reader.

Q: What are your rates?
A: What is your project? Every project is different. When you contact me, I will give you an idea of how much your idea will cost. Short articles and small-scale consultations cost less. Book-length writing and consulting costs more.

Q: How do I know you're good?
A: You don't. Hiring a writer freelance is a great leap of faith. Send me an e-mail and tell me what you're looking for. I'm friendly, helpful and personable, and I want you to be comfortable. Before I begin writing your project, I'll work hard to nail down the tone and content that you want. That way the writing meets your standards, and mine.

Q: What's the timeframe?
A: For shorter work like website copywriting and articles, my turnaround time is about a week. For longer projects, turnaround will vary.

Q: What's the process?
A: You contact me and we talk about your project. I'll provide you with some samples and ideas I have. When we nail down a style, I will send you a contract. After that I will send you a first draft and you will make corrections, if any. Then I will revise it with your suggestions and do a final draft.

Q: What if I don't like it?
A: I will work hard to make sure that you are pleased with the quality and style of the writing. I will re-work anything that causes a problem, as I aim to please.

Q: What will a consultation look like?
A: For a creative consultation, you will tell me about your project, what you're hoping to achieve and what isn't working. I will read your writing and provide a verbal, if possible, or a written critique of your work in terms of character, plot arc, dialogue, dramatic tension, flow, voice and matters related to publishing and marketing it, if that is where you're headed. After you revise the manuscript, I will do a follow-up consultation to workshop and critique your progress. You'll be amazed at how much you can learn by having a tenacious reader look at your work!

The workshop will include critiques, so be sure you're ready to learn and work. All suggestions are constructive, helpful and instructive. This is a safe, comfortable place, but I'll dole out the tough love if I have to!

Q: Your website is amazing! Who did it?
A: I know, isn't it? A fabulously talented graphic designer and illustrator helped make my site what it is. Her name is Sarah Stein and I highly, highly recommend her to anybody looking for eye-popping graphic design.