What I Can Do For You

Writing Services - I'll Write Something New

As a seasoned blogger active at blogging conferences, I
write short, effective and catchy blog posts.
Copywriting - Under 2,000 words
Copywriting - Over 2,000 words
From nonfiction articles to advertising copy, I'll get your
message across with energy and care.
Creative Writing of Any Length
Creative writing is my passion. Let me create a stunning
piece of fiction or creative nonfiction for you. Plays, scenes,
poems, short stories, flash fiction and novel-length
manuscripts are possible. Tell me your story and I'll put
words to it.
Even the most careful eyes can't possibly see everything,
especially when you're reading something you've written.
I've been editing my own writing for many years and I am
an editor-in-chief of an online magazine. Let me help you.
Resume or Cover Letter
Get your foot in the door with an eye-catching, effective
resume or cover letter.
Publishing Proposal
They key to getting a publisher's attention in the realm of
nonfiction is the book proposal. Generate buzz and sell
your idea. I've done it, I know how. I'll do all the work.

Creative Consulting Services - I'll Improve What You've Got

Resume or Cover Letter
Not getting interviews? I'll make your resume shine and do
what it's supposed to - get you hired.
Publishing Proposal
You project not generating enough interest? I'll polish and
format your proposal and make it attractive to publishers.
Children's Writing
I'll help you make your unique contribution to this
fulfilling and fun genre. I know what publishers want.
Careful line by line analysis will help your poetry reach
beautiful new depths. I'll also analyze your fiction and
point you toward creating a piece of written art.
Is your copy lying dead on the page? Let me show you how
to perk it up.
Scenes, One-Act Play or Full-Length Play
My BA in theatre is in playwrighting. I've got an innate
sense of character, dialogue, plot, core emotional
experience and dramatic tension. Let's workshop your play
or scene and help it leap off the page and onto the stage.
Book-Length Manuscript
Writing a novel is a tremendous experience. It's an
amazing achievement and the hardest work you'll ever do.
Make your novel ready for publishers by giving it the
benefit of a trained, skilled and intuitive reader. I'll tell you
what works, what doesn't and what will really take your
book to the next level.